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French Team Shines at TourismExplore Forum

On November 8th, the French team of the European project Pathway to Hospitality seized the opportunity to present the tools developed within the project to an audience of over 500 enthusiasts at the TourismExplore Forum in Caen.

Pathway to Hospitality project began in 2021 with the aim of promoting the hospitality sector, which faces recruitment challenges due to its lack of attractiveness. Financed by Erasmus+, this project brings together partners such as vocational high schools and associations from five countries: Estonia, Poland, Italy, Hungary, and France.

The event on November 8th provided an opportunity to showcase two years of work in European cooperation and present the main tools developed so far. Participants had the chance to explore the serious game Pathway to Hospitality, an innovative tool for exploring the hospitality industry professions.

Designed as an online game, it targets anyone seeking career guidance or simply curious to learn more about these professions. Participants embark on a quest within the "Fairway Hotel," a fictional establishment, exploring its various services such as reception, kitchens, spa, and rooms.

This event highlights the project's commitment to promoting training in these challenging sectors to meet their evolving needs. It emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in finding innovative solutions and promotes the attractiveness and dynamism of the hospitality industry. For additional information, please check the latest updates!

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